About our Guided Campus Tours
The campus tour offers a more one-to-one opportunity for you to speak to staff, to look around the facilities and to have a more tailored visit so you can have all your questions answered.
Our tours normally take about 30 minutes and are perfect for you to see exactly what Rockley has to offer you and the courses we have available.
Availability and booking
Our hosted tours are available by appointment only. Please go ahead and register your interest now and we will be in touch to confirm your booking:
8th June, 16:45 - 17:15
15th June, 16:45 - 17:15
22nd June, 16:45 - 17:15
29th June, 16:45 - 17:15
We really want to show you our beach and our campus and are keen to offer these tours now that it is getting safer to do so. We will be following Government guidelines closely and following all our COVID safe procedures to ensure you get to see and ask all that you need.
With the health and wellbeing of you and our student and staff community in mind, this tour is largely outdoors. However, guidelines permitting visitors will be able to speak to staff and students at our indoor welcome and information point, and access designated toilet and hand-washing facilities.
All our ‘in-person’ tours will be socially distanced and there will be a maximum group of five people on one tour and from no more than two households
Visitors will be asked to scan in for NHS Track and Trace purposes.
If you have any questions about studying with us after the tour, please get in touch via [email protected]