Conserving and Preserving for
future generations

At Rockley we are very passionate about doing our bit to protect our environment and we are dedicated to reducing our carbon footprint. Over the past 10 years we have taken small and big steps to change how we operate across all our centres from reducing our use of single-use plastic to changing the way we run sessions in order to reduce the use of our powerboats and therefore fuel. We continue to strive to be resourceful and minimise our environmental impact so that people can continue to enjoy the waters and outdoor space that we love so much.

“We love the waters we use and we have a responsibility to protect them, and encourage others to do the same.”

Pip Woods, Managing Director

Environmental Changes Made

  • Reduced single use plastics
  • Electric company cars
  • Regular beach cleans
  • Established an environmental committee
  • Environmental pledge staff induction
  • Educating our customers & the young on our trips

We are proud to have established a committee of passionate and forward-thinking individuals who continue to challenge the decisions we make. Looking forward, we look to further reduce our use of single-use plastic, look at sustainable clothing for our uniform and continue to organise and participate in beach/water cleans.


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