Q What is so great about a junior / youth residential holiday? What will my children get from it?

A Though it seems a hazy memory for me, the 10-16 year old age range is a period when we develop hugely as individuals, finding confidence, independence and an initial awareness of who we are and what makes us tick. This can be hugely supported by the ability to get away from normal life, stand on our own two feet and gain new experiences whilst making new friends - but always knowing there is someone keeping an eye over you to make sure you stay out of harms way.

This is just as important for us as parents as it is for the youngsters and with a residential programme we can be confident that our children have the ability to spread their wings a little whilst remaining in a supportive, supervised environment.

The fact that on a Rockley residential programme students get to take part in some fantastic activities, is an even greater incentive and we feel confident that with our 40 years of experience delivering residential activity trips to young people we can provide an experience that will last long into their adult life – that certainly seems to be the feedback of our students and families.

If you would like to find out more about our junior/youth redisential holidays and camps please visit our page here.




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