We should all be enjoying the 2020 Olympics at the moment. As a massive sports fan, what is your favourite Olympic moment and why?

GB hockey team winning gold at Rio in the Olympics. As a complete hockey fanatic, I was glued to the screen and despite us not playing our best hockey, the team managed to get through the game to the penalty shoot out where we took the victory. It was certainly a proud and emotional day. It did also help revitalise the interest in the sport and encourage more people to get involved.

A book you have read which has inspired you the most?

Brene Brown – Daring to lead. As an audio book this has accompanied me on many of my longer runs and go to when I need a bit of inspiration.

What would you perfect day be if time, travel and money were not an issue?

This is a hard question as I have many perfect days in my head, however most of them will be outside, either walking or on the water somehow. Be it in a boat or on a paddleboard paddling round the islands in Poole Harbour. It could also involve a swim in the sea, another passion of mine. The common thread however will be that the day will involve plenty of food and tasty snacks, I guess you could say that’s another passion of mine! It might also involve a game of tennis or a long run in the morning to start the day off.

Which song would get you up on the dance floor?

Oh dear, not being a great mover on the dance floor, it’s quite a rare thing to get me dancing. If I did have to narrow it down though, it would probably be something cheesy from a couple of decades ago. I’m cool in other ways, honest

Surf or ski / water or mountains?

Hmmm, mountains I think, however since breaking my shoulder snowboarding a couple of years ago, maybe less so. However, to turn the question round slightly, I would say Mountains in the summer! Best of both worlds as you can swim in beautiful lakes, cycle up some amazing hills and the walks are just amazing.

Name 3 dream dinner guests?

Clare Balding, Alan Carr and Olivia Coleman, I did want to invite Princess Anne, but thought I might have to watch my ps and qs!

Favourite item you have ever been bought or given?

My new tennis racket. I now play tennis every other day and my new racket has magic powers for sure, still trying to get better but love love love the game, especially in Poole Park overlooking the glorious lake and seeing the boats on the water.


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