What can you see outside your window?

For those that haven’t guessed already, I live on a yacht! Plus, this is just in the marina, when I go on passage it gets even more scenic!

What’s the best thing about having a boat for a home?

I love having the freedom and flexibility to go sailing and exploring pretty much whenever I want! No packing for holidays or weekends away! I actually find the passage planning quite exciting!
Other benefits include; Al fresco dining on deck in the summer, chilling in the hammock and also the friendly and helpfulness of marina staff and other live-aboards! All these things make marina life very relaxing and enjoyable!

You’re heading up Rockley’s environmental initiative - what’s your motivation for this?

Previous to joining Rockley I was lucky enough to be involved in eXXpedition Carribbean 2017, a mission aboard S/V Sea Dragon to make the unseen seen- from plastics and toxics in the Oceans to those in our own bodies. This involved hopping between Islands, sampling waters, surveying waste and doing local outreach. I was staggered to discover just how much plastic rubbish there was both in the Ocean and on beaches and the harmful effect this is having on our planet. This voyage opened my eyes to the scale of the problem. Globally, we are producing nearly 300 million tonnes of plastic every year and of that, it is estimated that up to 13 million tonnes of plastic leaks into the global marine environment annually. This has adverse implications for wildlife, the economy and human health.

You clearly love the water – if you could sail anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?

I would love to go back to the Caribbean- Tobago Cays was a personal highlight (see attached photo), jumping into warm water, swimming with turtles and BBQing on sandy beaches is hard to beat!

However, there are still loads of places I want to explore- New Zealand, Australia, The Philippines and Mediterranean to name a few! My absolute favourite place that I have sailed to so far is not actually too far from home- The Isle of Sark. The smallest of the four main Channel Islands, Sark is located 80 miles from the South Coast of England. I found this place to be truly magical. The Island is completely car and street light free- meaning you travel by horse and cart or human propulsion, plus the star gazing is amazing! Sailing there was stunning, and the cruising ground is both interesting and challenging, with strong tidal races and plenty of hidden rocks to watch out for! A summer cruise to Sark is high on the agenda!

Favourite item you have bought or been given in the last 6 months?

For my 30th birthday I was given an Alexia- before opening it I was sceptical- believing that it was a lazy alternative to doing something yourself! But now I love her! Not only do I have someone to talk to, but she plays my music, tells me when its time for bed, wakes me up and tells me the news in the morning! She also lets me know when my dinners ready… if only she would cook it for me too!

Name 3 people you would invite on your yacht for dinner?

1. Shirley Robertson- Growing up as a young, enthusiastic racer Shirley was my sailing inspiration! She made it into the history books by becoming the first British woman to win two Olympic gold medals at consecutive games. I would love to chat to her about what motivated her and the Yngling team to win Gold.

2. My Grandparents- I know it’s technically two people, however childhood holidays on their Cornish Shrimper went a long way to inspire me to take up yachting. As they are now no longer with us, I would love the opportunity to show them my home. I’m sure my Grandad would have some practical maintenance advice and my Grandma make a comment on my cooking!

3. Jacinda Ardern- I have been really inspired by the way she has handled recent events and would love to hear more about her views on running a country and life in general.

Which song would definitely get you up on the dance floor?

Depends on how many gins I’ve had… but play any 90s pop (Spice Girls, Steps, Five, B*Witched…) and I will struggle to resist a boogie!

For more information about the environmental initiative which Cath is championing, click here


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