How did you first hear of Rockley?
Kat (HR Manager) came to Swansea university in 2014 and did a presentation which I quite enjoyed. I was studying Sports Management and was looking for a summer placement so I appliedwith Rockley and was accepted. I ended up working the season at Le Lac Mimizan.
Did you get to go on the water much while you were out there?
Yes I did a lot of paddleboarding - that was my first experience of paddleboarding and fell in love with it instantly. Luckily Alex Dodds, the Manager at the time gave me the opportunity assist on sessions and within the first hour, I realised that I absolutely loved teaching. Also, despite working predominantly on land, I was given the chance to get on the water so tried my hand at sailing as well.
After France how did you continue gaining qualifications?
I did the 11-week Leap for Success course at Rockley Point in the UK and gained my RYA Dinghy and Windsurf Instructor qualifications. After my second season out in France I then did my RYA Senior Instructor through Rockley’s development scheme which was great as the course was hugely discounted.
Did you enjoy your Leap course?
I absolutely loved it. It was awesome!
It seems you have taken advantage of Rockley’s development scheme.
I really have! It feels like it’s been a natural progression. And Rockley have always been behind me, encouraging me to get my qualifications, getting recommendations from all my managers saying this is what I can do. These are qualifications I can use all my life so it’s great.
Working with us is seasonal so what do you do in the winters?
I do winter seasons - chalet hosting and cheffing. I was in Morzine for a couple of months this year and then went to La Plagne. I love travelling and working abroad so for me at this time of my life, it suits me perfectly!
Are you feeling confident about taking on this new role?
I feel that I’ve learnt so much over the past five years from all the other Managers, as well as Mini (France Operations). Last year I came in as a Senior and then half way through the season became a Beach Manager and then Activities Manager. When the job came up for Centre Manager I felt ready to apply. I know what goes on behind the scenes and really feel like part of a great team - I think that’s what keeps bringing me back. There’s a real family feel.
So are you excited about the season and the challenge ahead?
Yes and I’m very excited and nervous - a real mixture of emotions. I know the high standard that is expected from the company and most of the team I’m working with are all pretty new so I plan to put my own spin on things.
When you first started 5 years ago, did you still expect to be with Rockley?
No I didn’t - I never thought I would be in the position that I am in now, in charge of my own centre. Each season has been completely different in terms of my job role, the centres – I’ve worked at them all and the people I have worked with. It’s been a great experience so far!
And you met your girlfriend working at Rockley?
Yes, Roxanne. She’ll be working with me again this year.
Could be another Rockley wedding?
You never know!