You're a keen reader. What book has inspired you the most?

This question is by far the hardest to answer. For inspiration in how to try and live my life as a Christian, it would have to be The Bible, particularly The New Testament. Otherwise, a novel that I was fascinated by and really enjoyed was ‘A Fine Balance’ by Rohinton Mistry. Set in India from Independence through The Emergency I found it a fascinating insight into life in India through those times, which I knew little about.

Three people (at anytime in history) you would invite round for dinner?

David Attenborough, Bill Bailey and Roger Federer - as long as I don’t have to cook the dinner! Afternoon tea and homemade cakes, maybe with a glass of champagne would be an easier option for me to do! I love baking!

What would you perfect day be if time, travel and money were not an issue?

I would start the day in the Rockies in Canada with its stunning scenery, lakes and mountains, then fly to the Falkland Islands to see all the penguins and other wildlife, hopefully including a few whales passing by. I would then like to end the day in the Azores, again stunning scenery and watch the sun set over the ocean.

What's your favourite film?

It’s a Wonderful Life. A good lesson in appreciating the gift of life and not always wanting more.

Favourite item you have ever bought or been given?

Our VW camper van which has enabled us to travel to some amazing places in Europe. We particularly enjoyed going to Sweden as it is very beautiful, unspoilt and generally not busy with people, however, the Swedes we have met have been very friendly, welcoming and kind! We have also travelled to France, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria and Slovenia in the van which has been wonderful.

Your biggest indulgence?

My tennis club membership meaning I can play as often as I like and even on grass courts in the summer which is great fun.

So you’re a bit of a tennis fan. Who would you love to watch live at a Wimbledon final?

Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic. I am lucky to have been to Wimbledon a few times now and even had centre court tickets. However, I have never seen either Federer or Djokovic play live, so to watch them play each other would be amazing!


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